Aoi no Kaze / Guild Profile

Guild Name Aoi no Kaze
Guild Tag «AnK»
Last Updated 18th October, 2024
Server Behemoth
Style & Focus Balanced/Mixed PvX
Language(s) English
Location Australia
Discord N/A
Twitter @aoi_no_kaze
Voice Comms Ventrilo
Members 51-150
Guild Leader(s) Sylvia Einsviel
Recruitment Status Open
Min. Age N/A
Min. Time Investment N/A
Timezone(s) GMT +10
Skill Level(s) Any

General Guild Info

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Who are we?
Formed on Ragnarok Online in 2003; We're a group of like minded, competitive gamers. From our initial success, we carried our name through to many of the leading MMORPG titles. We're a progression guild that seeks to to do the best possible in all aspects, but also knowing how to have fun.

What do we offer?

Not enough? How about:

What are the requirements?

Raid structure